iStock_000000103218_L2Michael Patrick Murphy’s Personal Security Rules

  • Credit Cards
    • Use only one credit card online (You can use a payment service credit card.) Make sure your credit card is protected.
  • Email
    • Look up questionable email on google to verify source or call the company directly (not from numbers on the questionable email.
    • IRS is the large email current scam. The IRS never uses email to initiate taxpayer communications.
  • Fire Prevention
    • Survey your home for potential fire situations.
  • Government Snooping
    • Nothing is safe from government eyes and ears. This includes email and all phone calls.
  • Identity Theft
    • Personal information is more likely to be given out by institutions than by you.
    • Consider a credit protection program through your bank or insurance company.
  • Other Crime Prevention
    • Consider a “Quick and Dirty” Self- Defense course.
    • Consider a “Home Defense” shotgun and gun course. The pellets are less likely to go beyond the walls of your own home and hurt a neighbor or passer by.
    • Don’t leave seldom used valuables in an insecure place. Consider a large safe or safety deposit box.
  • Product Purchasing
    • Go to sites like to see if a company is listed for unethical or improper practices.
Taking responsibility for your own protection is even more important in a failed economy. In the event government can’t fund police and fire departments you will be even less likely to see good service and will be more likely to see more officers assigned to tasks like traffic ticketing to raise revenue. Murder and theft prevention will be back burnered. Most won’t do a thing about threats to your person or property until after some injury or loss has occured. Fire department houses may become staffed with as few as two fireman, ill equipped to handle many emergencies. Plan for the possibility that both your police and fire departments are non-existent or useless, even in “nice” communities.

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